Search results for "hidden object"

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Ein wimmeliges Entdecker-Puzzle ab 4 Jahren

The Grimms' fairy tale classic "Little Red Riding Hood"as a puzzle with a play effect.

"Why do you have such big eyes? So that I can do a better puzzle ..."On 54 ...

Age 4+, Puzzle
Released on 18.01.2022
€ 16,00

Ein Puzzle zum Abtauchen für die ganze Familie

500 pieces puzzle for children and adults.

Majestic animals glide through the water in the mysterious depths of the ocean. Can you put all of the 500 pieces together?

Age 8+, Puzzle
Released on 10.09.2021
€ 17,00
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Ein tierisch kunterbuntes Puzzle für die ganze Familie

500 pieces puzzle for children and adults.

Under the African sun, all kinds of cheeky animals are frolicking at the waterhole. Can you connect all 500 pieces? This ...

Age 8+, Puzzle
Released on 10.09.2021
€ 16,00